In 2017, my friend, Jihan invited me to a Friday night service for women at Free Church in Oak Park, IL. It was an experience or rather a celebration of women who love God and remain vigilant on their journey to being who God called them to be. At the close of service, I told my friend that I would absolutely visit again and that the evening could easily be a conference. In 2018, my thought became a reality.
For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever. – Psalm 100:5 (MSG)
The Sheer Gathering is inspired by Psalm 100:5 MSG. According to, the Sheer Conference is an opportunity for women to gather together to have an encounter with God, connect with other women and have a lot of fun along the way. The 2018 theme was “Stand Out.” Three phenomenal women in ministry headlined the 3-day event: Mary Alessi, Melanie Gomez, and Kim McQuitty. Each reinforced the importance of praise; not just when times are good, but when keeping God at the forefront of our minds is the best and only defense against the challenges life brings. We were also reminded that while it is easy to linger in the background of life, we are each called to live boldly.
I took more than a few notes and encourage you to join me and other women on a mission to live out loud, with purpose, and a heart for God.
Romans 12:2 TPT
We are set apart by how we think
If you conform, you will fulfill God’s purpose for your life
You don’t stand out because of your outward appearance—it’s what’s inside
2 Corinthians 3:18 TPT
Allow the Holy Spirit to work in us through us, for us
Fly without effort and stand out from the crowd
Our true competence flows from God’s empowering presence.
Mary Alessi on Approval Addiction
Show maturity in faith by serving
If it’s hard, keep sowing seeds and reap the harvest
Ministry in the house of God is about what you bring, not what you take
A hurdle (in life) is a strengthener
We don’t ever heal from approval addiction until we admit that we have it
If you don’t settle that the only “yes” you need is from above—you will struggle
Love the season you are in
It’s hard to accept: “I am here because I drove here.”
We don’t need approval, we need affirmation
STAND OUT. Do the opposite of what the world is doing
How to Overcome the Hurdle of Approval Addiction
Give approval more than you seek it
Affirm others every day
Don’t need approval more than you give it
Find someone that you can speak approving words over
Praise + Energy = Faith. Sometimes you have to praise until your faith catches up.
If your Bible is falling apart, you probably aren’t. – Mary Alessi
Melanie Gomez on Joy
The joy of the Lord is your strength
Read Psalms to be renewed
Remember that Fire is a refiner
Praise is the manifestation of joy
Joy is the answer to praise
Joy is a choice—place a command on this. It is what sets you apart
Recommended Reading: Psalm 103:1-5, Acts 16:25-26, and Nehemiah 8:10
Kim McQuitty on How to Persevere
Trust that your faith is at work, even when you don’t see it
Trust God to write the pages of your life
Know and believe Psalm 139:16
Don’t call to mind the former things
Hear more from Kim here.